Three Key Strategies for Effectively Reaching Gen Z


For more details, see: “Key Strategies for Effectively Reaching Gen Z,” Herald. 14(1): 6-7.

“Evangelism just doesn’t work today! When I explained the Four Spiritual Laws to my friend, he just looked at me like I was crazy,” a student told me. “Maybe others are gifted in evangelism, but it is certainly not me!”

 If you’ve had a similar experience, you’re not alone. Instead of using 20th century evangelistic approaches in a 21st century culture, it is necessary to contextualize our approach to effectively reach others with the gospel. Every semester for the last eight years, Asbury Seminary and Knox Fellowship have hosted an eight week practical evangelism seminar (offered free to Asbury students)[1] to learn both the complexities and opportunities to reach Gen Z.

Here are three key strategies we discuss and practice in this course to effectively reach Gen Z today:

Evangelism starts with this simple action: stop talking and start listening. Drop the formulas and assume the posture of a listener. God is having a conversation with everyone that you meet – even if that person does not admit it. Your role is to catch up on that conversation and keep it moving toward Jesus. It has been said that the difference between being heard and being loved is imperceptible. One way to demonstrate love for Gen Z is to practice emphatic listening.

Now that you are listening, learn to ask good questions. Asking good questions demonstrates love to the individual. In a culture so consumed with self, caring about someone enough to ask good questions can be truly revolutionary. It sounds simple – and it is. All it requires is your time, attention, and the heart of Christ for the person you are conversing with.

Speak God’s message to the struggle that the individual is facing. Instead of starting with a pre-formed message, tell God’s truth specific to the struggle the individual is facing. Don’t expect to reach these deep conversations the first time you meet someone – these often take time and are the fruit of a cultivated relationship with someone that God has placed in your path – whether that’s a friend, neighbor, or co-worker. There are no “quick wins” in evangelism – leading someone to Christ is a cooperation with the Holy Spirit through the continued faithfulness and commitment to the relationship.

Are they burdened by shame? This is particularly on the rise with Gen Z, bolstered by the audience that social media provides. Describe your own experience of dealing with shame and explain how Jesus removes shame and restores honor as a child of the family of God, as portrayed in the Prodigal Son story.

Are they struggling with fear? Those with addictions often want to hear about how to get power to break the chains that bind them. Explain how Jesus helps you address your fears. Be real and authentic. Eventually, explain biblical stories about Jesus’ power to transform people.

Are they struggling with guilt? If God is conversing with them about internal guilt, then explain how Jesus removes guilt and justifies humans through his substitutionary atonement.

Increasingly, though, our research over the last eight years has revealed that many Gen Zers are not experiencing guilt, shame, or fear; instead, they are simply indifferent to faith. The story of Zacchaeus is a helpful parallel, as he was also indifferent to the religious system of his day. As a chief tax collector, he was not even allowed in many synagogues. When Jesus visited Zacchaeus, he didn’t address internal guilt, external shame, or fear; instead, Jesus extended an invitation of belonging and acceptance. This gave Zacchaeus new purpose for his life and work. When Zacchaeus experienced this belonging and new purpose, Jesus declared, “Salvation has come to this house!”

For many Gen Zers, God is having a conversation about belonging and purpose. If this is the starting point of God’s conversation, put aside the evangelistic formulas and start with Jesus’ offer of belonging with purpose. This means that their next step in faith is not necessarily coming to church. Instead, try these next steps:

  • Invite them to your small community group where they can find belonging. Often, people find that belonging comes before believing, like Zacchaeus. Let hospitality be your ‘secret sauce.’

  • Ask them to join you in some meaningful practice you are doing (e.g, feeding the homeless, caring for widows, neighborhood cleanup) so they can experience purpose as well. These deeds substantiate your words. Many Gen Zers want a demonstration of the gospel more than simply an explanation.

As you participate with them, you are demonstrating God’s love by participating in the conversation God is already having with them and moving it toward Jesus.

 G.K. Chesterton said, “Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.” Deepen your friendships by listening, share your own authentic stories of Jesus’ work in your life, offer relevant biblical stories, invite others to belong in a faith community, and engage them in a purposeful lifestyle. In this way, you are helping your Gen Z friends to fall in love with Jesus – not simply proving a point.

[1] The eight week seminar meets one hour per week and includes a free meal, teaching, demonstration, and practical activities/games in partnership with Knox Fellowship and the ESJ School of Mission and Ministry. If interested to participate or learn more, contact:



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